
What Happened in June 2022?

Hi There!

Here is all that went down at Krafty Sprouts Media, LLC, in June of 2022; hopefully, I can have the strength to continue with this update on a regular basis.

There was a May 2022 core update; the good news is we survived, and all 4 sites that we were focusing on survived; this would be the first time we have survived such, and we hope and pray it continues.

However, in June, I noticed that some of the sites started losing their ranks; yes, we got it by an update this month; major victims are WI and TT… WI also lost the small love it receives from Google and discovered that it’s now too little.

However, there have been some little gains and upward trends of late… We also made new hires, and aside from that, we increased the amount we pay per word to up to ₦2 for some persons.

The increase is based on some progress made and things recovering after COVID-19. We have also shut down 6 of the smaller animal sites and merged them into one,; this has also reduced our total focus to just 7 sites, which I think is enough for now…

June 2022 Stats

Below are screenshots from google analytics showcasing our traffic stats for the month of June across our network.

Thetechtian76, 33553, 892
Thebingeful175, 584133, 958
Wheelsinquirer64, 09450, 666
ASL16, 32913, 145
AOT2, 2261, 931
T&D4, 9624, 187
Thexplorion39, 71025, 962
379, 240283, 741

These are directly from google analytics. Also some of the sites are just getting started, like AOT, and some also had some gains, like thebingeful had a 7% increase in users.

Kingsley Felix
Kingsley Felix
Founder of Krafty Sprouts Media, LLC. I make sure things run smoothly and as they should. Don't forget to follow me on social media.

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